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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Noura Mohamed Lotfy - 25 July, 2022
Name Noura Mohamed Lotfy
Date 2022.09.08
Views 212
My Trip to Korea

My trip was so long in distance, as it started from Cairo International Airport to Dubai International Airport where my flight take about five hour in addition to three hours transit, then I started my trip from Dubai to Incheon International Airport for 8 hours. I was deadly tired but the experience is worth to attempt.
I had arrived at Incheon International Airport which is mazing and exceptionally clean. Everything is well organized at Incheon International Airport with a very high quality service. You can find several signs at the airport referring to the Quarantine information advance input system(Q-code) registration. Masks are mandatory for protection from COVID-19 pandemic.
When I finished the Airport's procedures, a team member of the UNFCCC GIR CASTT Secretariat is waiting for me at gate E of the Airport to escort me to  Incheon Airport COVID-19 Testing Center to carry out the PCR. This person is a respectful and decent person, he exerted great efforts to provide assistance, he even helped me to carry my heavy bag and provided me with umbrella to protect me from rains. I really appreciate his efforts. 

My first morning in Seoul was amazing, I was interested to discover the streets for shopping as it is my first time to visit Korea.  Seoul’s public transport system is reliable and extremely efficient and is a great way to make your way around the city.
If you are able to overcome the language barrier with the various signs and figure out where you have to go the experience is very pleasant.
I went for shopping with two of my colleagues (Mr. Reza Fallah from Iran and Ms. Anne Omwoyo from Kenya) who were invited to the training as well. We have visited Myeong-dong district where we find wonderful department stores, shopping malls, and independent shops, together with a host of trendy restaurants and cafes.

A country of contradictions, South Korea is as modern as it is traditional. Something immediately struck my eye. Many bits and pieces of Korea’s ancient history blend into the ultra modern landscape that Seoul offers. The experience was very interesting and attractive for me and for my colleagues as well.  The weather is hot and humid, while rains exists. 
Korean people are so kind, nice and generous. They offered help whenever we asked them about any location or street. They are incredibly kind · They laugh and smile a lot. 
I have learned few Korean words and I am very happy to use it with Korean people such as Kamsahamnida (감사합니다) – “Thank you” and anyong haseyo (안녕하세요) – "Hello".

Last but not least, I would like to thank the UNFCCC GIR CASTTE Secretariat as they were very keen and accurate to provide me with a well-organized documents and valuable advices before my departure from my home country to the Republic of Korea.

Coordinator's comments:
It is indeed a very long trip from Egypt to Korea. I am very glad you travelled all the way to meet with us, Noura!
I assume I will take the same trip for COP27 at Sharm El Sheikh at the end of this year. Look forward to a wonderful conference in one of the most wondrous countries in the world, Egypt.
Also very happy to hear that you enjoyed the weekend in Seoul and had great memories of the city with fellow trainees.