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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Loan Hong Nguyen - 25 July, 2022
Name Loan Hong Nguyen
Date 2022.09.07
Views 550
I was very excited on the first day of the training. Apart from the two fellows from Viet Nam that I have already known, I had a chance to meet in person the organizer and the remaining twenty-five trainees from other countries, some of which I have not even known by the name of the countries (like I-Kiribati, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Tonga, etc.) 
As I looked through them in the Guidebook, I felt blessed to have such a valuable opportunity to meet the new colleagues and learn from their knowledge and experiences, which I had not had in the previous online course organized in 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Photo 1: Group photo of the organizers and participants in the 2022 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT

The lecture about “Paris Agreement – Focusing on Transparency Framework MPGs” by Mr. Jae H. Jung from the Ministry of Foreign Affair was amazing.
From the morning, his concern was that the trainees who come from different timezone may fall asleep in the afternoon (because it was nighttime in their countries) but I am sure nobody did.
His enthusiasm during lecturing and the way he interacted with the participants by asking questions and sharing experiences, the way he moved around the room, especially the group exercise at the end of the lecture, have kept us awake and continued discussing even when we were run out of time.

Photo 2: Mr. Philippe Missi Missi making the presentation about the flexibilities needed in the National Inventory Report on behalf of the group (he was not in my group but I was impressed by his name and his humourous character)

My overall impression of the first day is the fullness in terms of both knowledge and stomach (the food is so delicious and the organizer has taken good care of us). The lecturers are very knowledgable and rich in experience. They gave us a big picture of climate change negotiations and an overview of the requirements of the transparency framework of the Paris Agreement.
I looked forward to the coming days when we will have further deep dive into the sector-specific knowledge of the greenhouse gas inventory.

Coordinator's comments: 
I am delighted to hear that you liked the lectures on the first day, Loan Hong!
Indeed, we made great efforts to invite only the best lecturers in Korea and also abroad to this year's training programme which resulted in a fruitful outcome and, most importantly, made you happy.
I was also very proud of you and fellow trainees who were very eager to work together in group exercises.
Such a great pleasure to have you as our trainee.