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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Forrest Smartt - 19 July, 2023
Name Forrest Smartt
Date 2024.01.02
Views 531

Coordinator’s comments:
We all love hands-on exercises because it definitely helps us identify exactly what is challenging but it is extra special when we do it on the white board and explaining how we worked on it in front of everyone compared to remaining seated and working on our laptops individually. I’m glad that Mr. Han did not miss the chance to invite trainees to demonstrate and share their understanding with everyone, and most importantly to get a prize for doing so. I can see that the highlight of Mr. Han’s session was that reward-winning exercises as everyone was so excited and eager to join. Mr. Han will be very pleased to hear that his customized support was much helpful and impressive to you.