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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez - 28 July, 2022
Name Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Date 2022.09.14
Views 207
Name: Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Affiliation: Climate Change Directorate of Costa Rica
Journal Title: The first day of training
Date: 28 July 2022 

Emissions projects was the focus of this day. The presenter, Mr. Seungik Yoo, explained the general parameter any projections need, and the approaches could be assumed. 
The energy sector of Korea was the example the presenter used to explain the different parameters and variables needed. 
We learn about the time serie of the Korean emissions/removals, that shows energy is the main sector that produces emission in the country.

Colleagues during the interpretation of the Korean emissions/reductions trend

Participants talked about the trend tendency and some values that were out of it, and choose what periods are better to do estimations for future. 
In addition, the presenter explained the reason of the trend variations, some of them had relationship with the economic crises the world experienced. 
After that, we learned about the energy’s source, their advantages, and disadvantages.

The second part of the lecture started with the econometrics, an interesting theme about how to do projections. 
At this moment, I was eager to apply this exercise in my sector with country data from the forestry sector and harvested wood products, this due to no exercise have been done in this matter. 
The presentation focused on how to get, understand and assess the parameters needed and potential limitations in data.

Mr. Seungik Yoo explaining the key drivers for the energy sector projections

At the end of lecture, the presenter explained how to use R-studio and several steps needed to get the projections models.

The participants made their first forays into R-studio

Coordinator's comments: 
As Professor Yoo led GIR for many years as a President, he is one of the few Korean experts who knows Korea's GHG inventory from A to Z. I hope Professor Yoo's explanation about the Korea's case was useful to your work in Costa Rica. 
I was fascinated to learn that you are particularly interested in GHG of the forestry sector and harvested wood products. It would be our great pleasure if such exercise during the lecture helped you to deepen your understanding and gave you an opportunity to apply it to Costa Rica's GHG inventory.
Also, thank you for sharing with us wonderful photos of your fellow trainees in the lecture room. I am sure they will love your photos as well.