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Title [Daily Journal] Alisher Kassenov - 1 August, 2022
Name Alisher Kassenov
Date 2022.09.27
Views 334
Name: Alisher Kassenov
Affiliation: Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources
Journal title: Day 8: unexpected day off
Date: 1 August 2022

Today’s lecture devoted to AFOLU sector was cancelled. There was a brief information session in the morning. In the afternoon we went to Insadong street.
This area full of galleries, traditional restaurants, tea houses and cafés. The souvenir shops on Insadong are very popular with people of all generations because each shop is unique in its own way.
The galleries are a special treasure of Insadong. There are about 100 galleries in which you can see masterpieces of various fields of traditional art from paintings to sculptures. 
I went there because of the special tea collections, the that captured my attention was ginseng tea and I decided to buy it for my parents.

Picture 1 Shopping area

Tea houses and restaurants serve as a perfect complement to the galleries. They may be difficult to find at first, but if you take the time to stroll through the narrow streets of Insadong, the 'search' itself will be a lot of fun.

Picture 2 Tea house

After that we came back to the hotel, in order to prepare country presentations. 
Looking forward to tomorrow session in AFOLU sector and country presentations.

Coordinator's comments:
As you wrote in your journal, Insadong is a very charming district for its galleries, small shops that showcase unique souvenirs made of inspiration from Korean traditional culture as well as beautiful tea houses. That tea house you took a photo of looks wonderful - I should visit and explore Insadong again before winter comes. Hope your parents like ginseng tea you bought!