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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Athra Khamis Alblooshi - 18 July, 2023
Name Athra Khamis Alblooshi
Date 2023.12.27
Views 547

Coordinator’s comments:
I assume that everything covered in AFOLU sessions was new and may have been challenging to some non-AFOLU expert trainees. It may have little relevance to your work back home but we organizers have a firm belief that it’s always good to have at least basic knowledge of every sector as a national GHG inventory expert. We never know when such knowledge will be in need during our life journey especially if we continue to work with representatives from all over the world. I found your article on UAE’s climate strategy at MEI website and it’s impressive that you wrote such an informative piece despite busy schedule of the training. It is also evident that you are really good at taking photos. What a talent!