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Title [Daily Journal] Alilia Fine - 5 August, 2022
Name Alilia Fine
Date 2022.11.15
Views 640

Coordinator's comments:
You had a very busy and tough Friday, Alilia. I almost jumped when I learned that you had a 2-hour interview in the very early morning and headed straight for the lecture. Despite of starting the day early with an important schedule, it is impressive that you did not miss a thing and even enjoyed the lecture - you are indeed a highly focused person. I shall learn such great aspect of yours.
Mr. Han was also praised by many other fellow trainees which is very much agreeable since I did feel the same when I was in the room from time to time. Mr. Han knows very well how to deliver important information which often are complicated in a friendly manner so that no one is lost. I am pleased to invite Mr. Han this year and know that you liked his class too.
Your journal reminds me of another episode of the day - this was the bank day, I recall now. I assume that bankers were not familiar with both language and overseas transaction which took quite a long time to figure out how to deal with your case. Regardless, apologies for such inconvenience. I was worried when I sent you off to the bank and relieved when you safely returned. I hope you took a good rest on the weekend for the last week of the programme in the following week!