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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Aldo Ozuna Notario - 4 August, 2022
Name Aldo Ozuna Notario
Date 2022.11.04
Views 291

Coordinator's comments:
Seeing photos in your journal, you are the one who won the award of sweet chestnuts! Congratulations, Aldo! I wonder if chestnuts are consumed as an ordinary product in Paraguay as they are in Korea. I hope you liked that gift prepared by Mr. Han.
As many trainees did, you also liked Mr. Han's lecture very much. I can clearly see why from journals of yours and also other trainees' - Mr. Han indeed delivered a lecture that was friendly to non-IPPU experts, very interactive and also so much fascinating.
The note that shows how hard you worked on estimation exercises is exemplary that proves that you certainly deserved the award.