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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Noura Mohamed Lotfy - 4 August, 2022
Name Noura Mohamed Lotfy
Date 2022.11.04
Views 276
Thursday is really amazing day. We took an insightful and informative lectures by Mr. Seungho Hans.
Mr. Seungho Hans started the session with a very friendly introduction about himself to break the ice. He showed us his photos when he was young. The lecture is very interactive and useful. The lecture tackles many important topics related to the Industrial Processes and Product Use such as historical global emissions from 1990-2018, estimation of industrial process emissions, the choice of Tier approach, background information about the different types of industries (i.e. cement, glass, iron & steel, aluminum, Nitric Acid), sources of process emissions. 

Then, Mr. Hans made a lovely competition between the trainees asking questions and he gave presents to those who have the correct answer.
He also presented an interesting video showing how cement is produced. He gave us practical exercise for the estimation of IPPU process emissions and he answered all of our questions in a professional manner. These exercises are very useful for me and for my colleagues where we have the chance to practice what we learn. Definitely, I will not forget this exceptional session. In fact, my field of expertise is not IPPU sector, however, after the lecture, I became aware of all the aspects of the IPPU sector. 

At the end of the day, I visited Damsan Tower with my colleagues. It is an amazing place where we enjoyed our time to the maximum.

Coordinator's comments:
I am pretty sure that the IPPU sector was the 'unknown' sector for almost everyone in the class, but Mr. Han successfully and joyfully made everyone understand about this particular sector in a day! This is truly remarkable. Your journal tells me that you were very happy about Mr. Han's lecture which also made me delighted.
I guess the weather was pretty nice on this day that allowed you to visit Namsan Tower. Did you enjoy the night view? I heard that the scenary from the Tower at night is absolutely beautiful. I am pleased to know that you had a wonderful day.