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Title 2020 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs selected trainees
Name GIR
Date 2020.06.15
Views 2,956
After careful screening processes, 36 trainees were selected for the 2020 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs.
The selected trainees will receive individual email, so please check your mail box. We will not disclose the list of selected trainees on this website, so please check your email. (If you do not receive the notification mail because of some error, please contact us at
Thank you in advance for your cooperation despite all the difficulties due to COVID-19.
We appreciate all the attention and interest of the applicants again.
For the other applicants, due to the limited resources, we were not able to have you this time. We highly value your interests and wish to have you in the near future.