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Title [Daily Journal] Gurveen Arora - 9 August, 2022
Name Gurveen Arora
Date 2022.12.16
Views 556
Name: Gurveen Arora
Affiliation: Ex- Carbon Monitoring Consultant, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
Journal Title: Insightful lecture and exercise in Programme
Date: 09-08-2022

In our last week of training programme, a combination of theoretical and practical classes was continued. In our first session before lunch, we have continued and concentrated upon waste sector. Choice of activity data, emission factors in terms of different gases was discussed. The detailed de ion was also taught by Mr. Seungdo Kim from Research center for Climate Change. Additionally, Uncertainty assessment, QA/QC, wastewater discharge and treatment was clearly explained by him.  He explained the importance of the wastewater treatment and pathways both from collected and uncollected process. 
Very interestingly he explained about the methane emission process from both domestic and industrial wastewater and factors affecting methane generation factors. Domestic water equations, methodological issues, decision tree to determine the tier approach, choice of emission factors and activity data was also discussed. 
He also kept us actively enrolled by solving various relevant equations mentioned above. He also shared the great example of South Korea management and how it transforms within a short span from 1992 to 2022. He explained the application of various acts and policies in the collection, recycle and treatment of waste using various measures. The innovative example was elucidated by him was the clean net system- automatic disposal and collection transport system. He edified us with us with the waste flows and hierarchy of solid waste management in Korea.


After lunch we had two great lectures innovatively explaining in GHG methodology and MRV in energy sector. The two hour lecture discussion have given a wide overview about estimating  GHG emissions using methodology, its QA/QC and uncertainty along with the case study of South Korea. Category wise and fuel type emissions of GHG was made clear from data collection and calculation with its QA/QC estimates in common reporting format. We also practiced the excel study and how to report it transparently. 
After a short break, carbon market development and emission trade system (K-ETS) by Mr. Alistair Ritchie, Director of Asia-Pacifiic Sustainability. He talked about the nuances about EU Emission Trade system and cited an example of California and Korean ETS. Current status and its global expansion of ETS were made clear to all of us. Both the approaches (top down approach and bottom up approach) were discussed along with the holistic approach especially considering the uncertainties in terms of designing the cap and trade mechanism to achieve target successfully. 
Overall, immense insightful lecture and discussions in the room had taken place.

Coordinator's comments:
It was another busy Tuesday, wasn't it? How did you find Mr. Kim Seungdo's lecture? I wonder if the waste sector is one of the major sectors with great significance in India.
I can see that Mr. Kim delivered both theoretical and practical classes very nicely. It is assumed that working on equations must have been not easy at all, but hopefully those exercises helped you to have a detailed understanding of calculation of emissions from the waste sector.
Since we had two sectors - waste and energy - covered in a single day, I am curious about which sector trainees find easier than the other. Though the lecture on the energy sector by Dr. Kim a two-hour session which was shorter than other sector-specific lectures, I hope Korea's case study gave everyone a good idea of potential opportunities to enhance the national GHG inventory of the respective sector.