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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Pema Yangki - 5 August, 2022
Name Dechen Pema Yangki
Date 2022.11.15
Views 287

Coordinator's comments:
It is very motivating everytime I read your review on lectures and fellow trainees' country presentations which extends to opportunities for Bhutan reflecting good practices. 
I assume that it is because I learn a lot from your journals about Bhutan which concisely explain what fields are relevant and could emerge with great potential in the future. 
Country presentation was a valuable session during which we could compare similarities and differences in various sectors between countries. Of course, it was possible because each and every one of you, including yourself Dechen, prepared well-elaborated materials for fellow trainees to understand easily and eagerly joined discussion. All credits go to you and everyone!