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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Kanmani Batumalai Andi - 28 July, 2023
Name Kanmani Batumalai Andi
Date 2024.01.26
Views 1,841

Coordinator’s comments:
As you were very proud of your fellow trainees who joined the side event as a presenter, I was equally proud of you on the stage as a trainee who successfully completed the programme and as an awardee of Best Country Presentation Award. Thank you for sparing no efforts in sharing your knowledge and experiences with everyone throughout the whole training sessions and also delivering amazing presentations from which all of us could learn more about Malaysia’s national GHG inventory in detail. I look forward to shining progress you will make in the upcoming years as a great expert in the GHG inventory of Malaysia. When we meet again, I’ll be eager to hear your achievements.