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Title [Daily Journal] Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez - 8 August, 2022
Name Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Date 2022.11.29
Views 284
Name: Roberto Rodríguez Sánchez
Affiliation: Climate Change Directorate of Costa Rica 
Journal Title: Waste sector
Date: August 8, 2022 

Learn about waste sector has been a real challenge. I had no idea how to do estimates and consider the different fluxes of categories to get de CH4 and other gases. The first contact with something related to waste sector, was when I estimated the contribution of harvested wood products of my country. Degradable carbon, half-life of wood products and first order decay were some of the topics I studied in that moment.
Today, I got a broad perspective of how the amount of wood reported in HWP reservoir could influence the amount of CH4 reported in the waste sector. The question about the consistency of the data used in each sector continues to be a challenge to resolved, specifically in the solid waste disposal site category.

Professor explained the composition of material in SWDS.

After that, the lecture focused on the explanation of several concepts about activity data, parameters, and equations. The most interesting moment arrived when we put in practice the equations. At the beginning it was confused, but once people understood the formula everything flowed.

Trainees during the practice to estimate CH4 emissions in SWDS.

Coordinator's comments:
Aldo, in the photo, is very focused on his exercises. I am very much sure that you also worked hard on calculations of emissions together with Aldo. 
Indeed, it must have been not easy at all to follow everything Professor Kim delivered in his lecture considering that this programme in overall covers highly technical parts, especially if it is not the sector in which you have an expertise. I assume that the session on the waste sector was pretty much challenging to most of you.
Despite of such difficulties, you and every fellow trainee were very eager to figure out correct answers to exercises and, as a result, finally gained a good understanding of how the formula works. I was so pleased and proud to see that no one gave up and everyone did not stop to learn regardless of its relevance to your field. I hope the training helped you and all to have a solid foundation of every sector.