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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Alilia Fine - 8 August, 2022
Name Alilia Fine
Date 2022.11.24
Views 513

Coordinator's comments:
A 3-week programme was not a short journey, wasn't it? Considering information needed to cover every sector and also other fields, three weeks are not enough as many trainees insisted, but it is also true that we all feel like to get some good rest at home after 2 weeks of intensive training. 
I assume that the waste sector is a very important and interesting topic especially to those from countries in which the respective sector is the major emitter of emissions, and at the same time, it accompanies challenges in understanding thoroughly. It's wonderful to hear that Professor Kim kindly provided good explanation and helped everyone with calculations. 
I didn't know that you grabbed a sandwich for Vincent this day - it was so sweet of you, Alilia. I'm sure Vincent was very happy and did not feel lonely because there were so many of you guys who cared much for him. Also thank you for your great presentation on LULUCF. I was truly excited to see yours at last!