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Title [Daily Journal] Loan Hong Nguyen - 8 August, 2022
Name Loan Hong Nguyen
Date 2022.11.24
Views 529
Name: Loan Hong Nguyen
Affiliation: Energy and Environment Consultancy Joint Stock Company (VNEEC)
Journal Title: Waste sector lecture
Date: 8 August 2022

Two weeks lasted quickly. We were on the first day of the final week. Mr. Seungdo Kim from Research Center for Climate Change introduced us about the GHG inventory in the waste sector. It was a complicated sector but Mr. Kim explained about it carefully, not only about what is written in the IPCC Guidelines but also the reasons why it was written that way. My colleague told me that he is a highly respected professional in the sector so his knowledge and experience are both wide and deep.

Photo 1: Mr. Seungdo Kim introduced about GHG calculation in the waste sector
In the lecture, he pointed out the important formulas that we need to remember for GHG calculation in the waste sector and gave us relevant hands-on exercises for practice. It took us some time to recall the knowledge that we had learned during high-school education but finally, I believed that all trainees could understand the knowledge and follow his instructions to complete the exercises.

Photo 2: The trainess were doing their hands-on exercises
The lecturer was also very friendly as he came from table to table to explain the calculation method for individual trainees who had difficulties in doing the exercises.
That day was the birthday of Reza from Iran. He received a gift from the Organizer while we all had a small cake to celebrate, as a tradition of the program from the beginning.

Photo 3: Mr. Reza from Iran received his birthday present
We had heavy rain from the morning to the afternoon. Apart from this, the day was a good day. I felt more confident with the knowledge and the ability to do GHG emission calculations in the waste sector. The waste sector is no longer a difficult sector for me, thanks to participating in this training program and attending Mr. Kim’s lecture. 

Coordinator's comments:
Now I become very curious about who that colleague of yours is, the one who told you that Mr. Seungdo Kim is a renowned expert in the waste sector because he/she is so right about him. Yes, Mr. Kim is one of the very few professionals in Korea who has a great expertise with long years of experiences of teaching as well as reviewing national communications. I remember Mr. Kim was busy even during the break to answer questions from trainees with great interest particularly in the respective sector and provide help with the exercises. I am glad to know that no one was left behind and everyone kept up the good work during Mr. Kim's lecture. Your comments that say the waste sector is no longer difficult for you make me very pleased with a big big smile, Loan!