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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Missi Missi Philippe - 7 August, 2022
Name Missi Missi Philippe
Date 2022.11.21
Views 579
Name: Missi Missi Philippe
Affiliation: Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development
Journal Title: Rest and relaxation before the final week
Date: 07 August 2022

If you want to strengthen your skills in calculating, reporting and reviewing greenhouse gas emissions and have an international standing, it is a unique opportunity to participate in the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Figure 1 Visit of the Library of the Yongsan IPark

After a second week of work in which trainees have been studied AFOLU and IPPU sectors, they took time for relaxation by visit libraries, museums, universities, etc.

Photo 2 Fellows visiting Gyongbokgung Palace

This Sunday 7 July, the weather was too nice to visit open places. The majority of trainees made it before the entry in a last busy week with lot of hand-on exercises, presentations and discussions.

Coordinator's comments:
About the first photo, I guess it's a Youngpoong Bookstore at Yongsan IPark shopping mall, right? Did you visit there this day Missi Missi?
I have never been there but that branch seems a great place for book-lovers with spaces to read surrounded by lots of books. I wanted to hear more about what you did on the last weekend in Korea!