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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Nurkhayrul (Kay) Salam - 26 July, 2023
Name Nurkhayrul (Kay) Salam
Date 2024.01.24
Views 492

Coordinator’s comments:
I must say I am truly happy that Ms. Olia’s lecture motivated you to ‘eagerly absorb’ (love the phrase) knowledge shared during the session despite of being a very good energy expert yourself. As Ms. Olia has long been a very experienced expert and instructor at the same time in this particular sector, there was no doubt at all that she would deliver great lectures with so much insights and practical advice that everyone would enjoy. From your journal, I could tell that Ms. Olia did not fail anyone and was very much successful in making a friendly bond with you and fellow trainees. It is our strong belief that not only actual inventory compilers who deal with data and numbers but policy makers equally play a critical role in enhancing the national GHG inventory and further emissions management of the whole nation by establishing the right policy at the right time. I look forward to your shining contribution to Brunei’s strengthened capacity in managing GHG emissions.