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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Forrest Smartt - 26 July, 2023
Name Forrest Smartt
Date 2024.01.24
Views 508

Coordinator’s comments:
Such a heartwarming journal of yours, Forrest. I could feel that this day with Ms. Olia was a very fulfilling one with great memories of learning and friendship. I agree that Ms. Olia is a remarkable expert who never failed to keep trainees motivated with joyful atmosphere while sharing her insights and practical experiences to help trainees get better understanding in the energy sector. I believe that was absolutely necessary considering that it was the last week with only two days left until the programme ends which can easily make it difficult for participants to keep focused on lectures. We all were very lucky to have Ms. Olia at the right time. It was a great pleasure and honor for us, organizers, to have a promising expert like you who are ready to learn, who value and appreciate every experience in the programme.