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Title Submission of 2014 C2GMF Report (Final Draft)
Name Secretariat
Date 2014.05.09
Views 3,527
2014 C2GMF participants,

- Please submit your "2014 C2GMF Report" (SC & TWG: Building, Waste)
to (not to C2GMF SC or TWG board at this GIR's website).
Your report may contain national or sectoral back data.

- As Keyna suggested that GIR establish GHG DB only for C2GMF members
for data sharing and cooperative exercise, Secretariat will notify you as soon as
the GHG DB is created.

- "Peer Review" on the Final Draft will be conducted from  May 12 ~ 16.
(Secretariat will post "Peer Review Partner List" on the board at the website and
send "partner's Final Draft report" to each participant's email next Monday, May 12.)
