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Title [Daily Journal] Rupidah Idris - July 10
Name Rupidah Idris
Date 2018.07.12
Views 1,491
Rupidah Idris
Coorperative Green Growth Modelling Forum (C2GMF)
July 10th 2018

Being a participant in this training programme is an extraordinary experience to me. Unlike two weeks ago, today we obtained bonus opportunity to attend The 13th Cooperative Green Growth Modelling Forum (C2GMF). I was looking forward to the new knowledge from this forum. Honestly, I was so excited to see the participant from Malaysia who will be presenting his paper in this forum. Yes, obviously I am missing home so much.. :)

텍스트 상자: Welcoming Remarks and Introduction of C2GMF by GIR
The forum started at 9:05 am in the morning with the Welcoming Remarks delivered by the Acting President of GIR, Mr. Kim Byung Hoon. As an introduction to the C2GMF, Mr. Jae from GIR had presented the history and progress of C2GMF. He also mentioned that the 13th C2GMF will be focusing on power generation sector.
In the first session of this forum, participants from Egypt, South Africa and South Korea had presented the modelling analysis of mitigation scenarios and current status of power generation and renewable energy in their countries.

텍스트 상자: Presentation and Q&A sessions
During the second session, most of the participants looked a bit tired and sleepy. It might be because of heavy Korean buffet we took at lunch time. I like the seaweed soup very much..I wish I can bring it to Malaysia :p
Presentation continued by participants form Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Malaysia. It was a good presentation delivered by Mr. Thirupathi Rao from Malaysia regarding Malaysian GHG reduction in power generation sector and renewable energy. He had conclusively explained the current situation in Malaysia, where natural gas was exported but coal was imported to generate cheap power. I believe that putting up cleaner fuel policy for the power generation sector is the real challenge Malaysia is facing as it will greatly affects the whole country’s economy.

텍스트 상자: With the presenter from Malaysia Mr. Thirupathi Rao                                          
After the coffee break, participants from Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam had continued the presentation session. One of the interesting technology was implemented by Myanmar is the Floating Solar Projects. That was my first time heard about that technology. 
The group discussion session took place in the late evening. Although everyone was tired and hungry, the discussion was fruitful and rich in information. Then, each group had presented their results and findings.
텍스트 상자: Group discussion
Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Jordan, Lebanon, Tanzania
Overall, today’s presentations, Q&A session and group discussion were extremely good exposure to the participants in terms of current status and mitigation implementation plan of power generation sector in other countries. First day of C2GMF was closed at 7.15pm.