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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Mohamed Shamlooh - 19 July, 2023
Name Mohamed Shamlooh
Date 2024.01.02
Views 188

Coordinator’s comments:
It is my pleasure to find one more thing that must be shared with Mr. Han in trainees’ daily journals like what was particularly useful or enjoyable which would be helpful feedback for any lecturer. Mr. Han must know that you liked how he designed the flow and contents of his lectures for everyone not to feel this particular sector as too much complicated or challenging one. I suppose this sector was not as much unfamiliar to you as it was to other trainees of which countries observe less than 10% of emissions in the IPPU sector compared to other sectors as in Bahrain the sector accounts for almost 30% (if my calculation is correct, hopefully) according to its third NC. Hopefully Mr. Han’s session gave you a good chance to share your knowledge as well as Bahrain’s experiences in this sector with fellow trainees.