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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Yannick Aurelien Wabo - 17 July, 2023
Name Yannick Aurelien Wabo
Date 2023.12.26
Views 608

Coordinator’s comments:
There are at least two fellow trainees who will be happy to read your journal. Terikano will be happy that it starts with short greeting in her native language while Jacinth will have the same smile as in the photo once he sees it. Of course, I am definitely one who very much enjoyed reading it. I couldn’t agree more that Mr. Leandro is such a kind-hearted gentleman who does not hesitate to reach out to each trainee and make sure no one is left behind. It is always delightful to see trainees after lectures have become able to identify what exactly is needed for their personal improvement and further for their home country. Wonderful progress from Day 1 in the second week.