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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Dema - 22 July, 2023
Name Dechen Dema
Date 2024.01.05
Views 535

Coordinator’s comments:
As an organizer, it is always our concern since the planning stage until the actual culture tour day whether trainees would like the destination and enjoy experiences at site. Though DMZ is indeed a historically significant place in Korea, we never know if this year's cohort would find it fascinating or rather boring. In that regard, it is really rewarding to know that the tour was enjoyable to you. We can offer an opportunity for new experiences, but it depends on each individual to make it an exciting one or just another tiring day. I really appreciate and admire your enthusiasm and attitude of being ready to willingly embrace every adventure. And yes, everyone is welcome to tell us their stories after class as there is nothing like 'what not to write in journals'. I am eager to know how each trainee enjoyed their life in Seoul after being freed from the training schedule and every story has been so much fun. I didn't notice just until now that DDP mall opens after 8pm and for the whole night which was quite surprising for me. Now I wonder if the Dechen and Friends gave another go for a visit to the mall in the next few days.