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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Sybastian Manners - 8 August, 2022
Name Sybastian Manners
Date 2022.11.29
Views 239
UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT DAILY JOURNAL ENTRY FOR 8th AUGUST, 2022                                                                                                       
Entered by:
Sybastian Manners
Saint Kitts and Nevis

The trainees arrived at the lecture venue at 9:00AM and did their health checks with the secretariat and got signed in. We recognized the birthday of Reza Fallah and we were treated to some mini-cakes to celebrate the occasion. After the celebration we promptly began the lecture for the day on the Waste Sector emissions with Mr. Seungdo Kim from Hally University. We explored the sources of anthropogenic emissions from the waste sector and how these emissions are estimated for inventory purposes.


There was a thunder storm in Seoul when we separated for lunch, this was the most intense shower I had witnessed since I was in Seoul, this made it difficult for persons to move about and the subway was eventually closed. For the afternoon session we continued with exercises that included some very complex calculation. We concluded the session for the day with the usual group picture. The rains continued to pour into the evening.


Coordinator's comments:
Yes, it was this day with very heavy rains that let us cool down during hot weather and, at the same time, scared us off to go outside the building even we hold umbrellas. 
How did you go with Professor Kim's lecture on the waste sector? I can see that he did not go easy with some complicated exercises and calculations.
But as you already know, it would have been boring for you guys if it was easy exercise since you and everyone are already familiar with basics of emissions accounting. After all, it is always challenging questions and formulas that help us to take one step further.
Hope this rainy day's session with Professor Kim's passionate explanation was helpful to you, Sybastian.