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Title [Daily Journal] Alisher Kassenov - 8 August, 2022
Name Alisher Kassenov
Date 2022.11.29
Views 262
Name: Alisher Kassenov
Affiliation: Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources
Journal title: Waste sector lecture: Introduction and equations
Date: 8 August 2022

The lecture dedicated to the waste sector was held by lecturer Seugdo KIM, Hallym University. 
The lecture consists from the 6 topics, 4 of them we discovered today.

Picture 1. Introduction

Only the topics dedicated to the introduction of the sector and waste data were without any calculations, all other sectors included estimations started form the methodology on methane emission calculations to waste composition equation (picture 2).
My expertise, as the expert of GHG inventory on energy sector mainly connected with calculations of GHG emissions from combustion. 
Before the lecture, I had no idea how such two different sectors have so much in common in terms of calculations. The methodology includes a lot of information regarding to the carbon content of the waste (food, paper, plastic and synthetic wastes). 
By the formulas and information introduced by Mr. Seugdo KIM can help in national GHG inventory to recalculate the wastes in the landfills.

Picture 2. Calculations

After the completion of the whole lecture from the waste sector, I hope I will be able to help to Kazakhstan national expert in recalculations of the waste sector GHG emissions calculations. For the time, it is one of my favorite topic and sector in GHG inventory. 
Also, I prepared some questions to discuss about the waste burning in terms of generation electricity: in Kazakhstan nowadays, the discussions are holding about the feasibility to build the waste burning facilities and allows them to gain offset points and treat them as the projects of the GHG emission reduction. I want to hear opinion of the trainees as much as the opinion of the lecturer.

Coordinator's comments:
Seeing the whiteboard full of formulas and equations with Professor Kim explaining them with great passion, I am easily convinced by your paragraph where it says most of the session involved methodology and calculations. How did you find exercises? Was it okay for you or a bit challenging?
I also thought that the energy and waste sectors are two different sectors which have a little relevance to each other. But after reading your journal I learned that they are in fact very much connected, meaning that the session on this day can help you, an energy expert, to look into common grounds and connect the dots and have a broader understanding of two different and yet very much related sectors. 
Hopefully the lecture served as a great opportunity for you to share insights with Professor Kim and fellow trainees.