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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Dema - 18 July, 2023
Name Dechen Dema
Date 2023.12.27
Views 544

Coordinator’s comments:
I’m delighted to know that hands-on exercises using the ALU software was not simply a part of a learning process that helped you being equipped with a new skill to use a software but to further understand how IPCC guidelines work in calculation of emissions. It would definitely be a useful comparison between ALU and IPCC software which would indeed be a plus for preparing and identifying any room for improvement in transparency and accuracy of reporting data. The age of trees and its capacity of carbon absorption were also fascinating points to be discussed. I’d love to raise the case of carbon sink policy that involves deforestation and planting new tress, but it would make my comment too long. Let’s save it for our next meeting.