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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Subarna Mosaraf - 24 July, 2023
Name Subarna Mosaraf
Date 2024.01.22
Views 120
Coordinator’s comments:
Coex is indeed a great choice to stroll alongside the shopping mall streets especially when the temperature outside is not so favorable. But you cannot miss the Seoul Forest since summer is a particular season during which the forest is most lively and boasts its beautiful scenery and fresh air in nature. I’m pleased that you did not miss both the modern aspect and urban sustainability of the town. How did you find Prof. Yoo’s emission projections? I wonder if you are involved in projections back in Bangladesh as well as GHG inventory. I hope the lecture was not too challenging and provided you with basic understanding of how future emission trends can be estimated and how such data could contribute to enhancing the target and advancing the GHG inventory.