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Title [Daily Journal] Sailauova Nazym - 6 August, 2022
Name Sailauova Nazym
Date 2022.11.17
Views 365
Name: Sailauova Nazym
Affiliation: Zhasyl Damu JSC
Journal Title: Country presentations – AFOLU sector
Date: 06 August 2022


This week we had a couple lectures related to IPPU sector. Professor Seungho Han was so amazing; he even prepared some snacks for the trainees. All lectures were very interactive and full of relevant information.

Photo 1 – IPPU sector

On the Friday we started afternoon session with country presentations in IPPU sector. All trainees shared their experience in that particular area. Also, there was some discussions about improvements/limitations and main problems in developing countries.
Personally, I really liked Viet Nam presentation. Girls were very charming.

Photo 2 – Viet Nam country presentation

Our presentation was the last for that session, I felt like we improved and presenred better, that the previous one.

Photo 3 – Kazakhstan IPPU sector

Whole Saturday was dedicated to shopping. We went to Myeondong street to buy some souvenirs and skincare products for our family and friends. Only one week left, looking forward for more and more!

Coordinator's comments:
Learning that you are one of many trainees with very high satisfaction about Mr. Han's lecture on IPPU, I am now wondering if there is anyone who did not enjoy his class. (It is very likely there is none of such trainee!) Mr. Han was a very much skilled lecturer with great humour indeed.
Country presentation session provided everyone with an opportunity to learn more about interesting and useful GHG-related information of particular countries and discuss how to overcome common challenges. I am confident to say that it was possible because each of you, including you Nazym, prepared their own presentations so well. Your presentation with Alisher was also very impressive which made me to explore any potential cooperation with Kazakhstan in the near future. 
Such kind words of praise about presentation given by Thi Minh and Uyen - girls will be very pleased to hear compliments!