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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Dechen Dema - 25 July, 2023
Name Dechen Dema
Date 2024.01.23
Views 127

Coordinator’s comments:
Prof. Yoo’s session on emission projection was useful but must be also challenging to most of the trainees, I presume, considering that the software was new to many of us. Since it would take few more days to explore the logic of the software in detail and we were given a limited time for this particular topic, I’m happy that at least trainees had a good chance to consider the importance of emission projection and have a basic understanding on how to predict emission trends using the software. Prof. Yoo will be pleased to know that it was a useful session to you and you would do some more research on projection on your own. I must let him know next time we meet. Plus, thank you for sharing your romantic memory of summer at Gwanghwamun Square and Cheonggyecheon Stream. I could also sense beautiful ambience and your feeling at the time from your photos and de ion which made me feel enchanted as well.