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Title [Daily Journal] Sybastian Manners - 4 August, 2022
Name Sybastian Manners
Date 2022.11.04
Views 298
UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT DAILY JOURNAL ENTRY FOR 4th AUGUST, 2022                                                                                                       
Entered by:
Sybastian Manners
Saint Kitts and Nevis

The trainees arrived at the lecture venue at 9:00AM and did their health checks with the secretariat and got signed in. We were pleasantly greeted at the lecture room by Mr. Seungho Hans who was the lecturer for the morning session. Mr. Han introduced himself and broke the ice by telling us of some of his experiences through pictures. He indicated that his background was in Greenhouse Gas Inventory auditing and he had travelled to many places to perform assessment and validation work.


We then examined emissions from industrial processes and product use where the significant contributions of cement production was highlighted. The large scale infrastructural development such as roads, buildings and parks that have taken place over the years has contributed to large emissions in the Korean circumstance. We looked at a video that documented the cement production process from mining to the finished product; this was very interesting. We also examined the manufacturing process of glass and iron and steel.


For the afternoon session we resumed the lecture with Mr. Han on industrial processes covering Aluminum, and Nitric Acid. Each industrial process covered was supplemented with a short illustrative online video which was very captivating. Each manufacturing process a covered was concluded with a calculation exercise.

mrhanexplaning workingonexercises

Coordinator's comments:
As I read through journals of yours and also other trainees' on this day, it makes me feel regretful about not being in the same classroom with you and everyone when Mr. Han delivered the lecture on IPPU. Though I was in the class for some time, it would have been great if I joined you guys for the whole day since it seems Mr. Han's lecture was both interesting and very useful. 
I remember that Mr. Han asked questions with an award for trainees who get correct answers. Did you also give it a go? It is such a pleasant memory to me of everyone being excited with their hands raised to tell Mr. Han the answer, and I hope it was to you as well.