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Title [Daily Journal] Canet Cengiz Durmuş - 12 August, 2022
Name Canet Cengiz Durmuş
Date 2022.12.27
Views 1,012
Name: Canet Cengiz Durmuş
Journal Name: Time to say goodbye
Date: 12 August 2022

We are in Korea for almost a month and completed the training programme on GHG Inventories. I woke up excited this morning. When I got to the class, I could read the same excitement from my friends faces too. It was the excitement of completing a fruitful training programme and bringing back the knowledge and good memories back home. At the start of the programme, I wasn’t expecting this much enthusiasm and engagement. It encouraged me more and created a great atmosphere to explore and exchange of knowledge. 

The programme does not only provide me information about GHG inventories but also make me understand that we all developing countries having similar problems. There is always room for improvement and always a solution to our problems. I believe that this programme will lead to establish several cooperation and collaborations among us and the benefits will go beyond the border of Korea. 

It felt like the time flied but I also feel like that I’ve been here for a long time. That is because I enjoyed my time here very much and, in the meantime, I missed my family too. I am going back to Turkey with many good memories and stories to tell and hoping to be back soon. 


Coordinator’s comments:
I personally believe you were one of the most enthusiastic and most-engaged trainees during lectures. It was very impressive that you were not afraid of raising your hand to be the first one to solve challenging equations given by lecturers, standing in front of the class and explaining how the formula works, and asking questions and sharing your view with everyone. The programme’s goal is to help trainees learn from lectures and exchange of knowledge, but in fact it also helped me a lot to learn from you and fellow trainees. Most of the time, I hesitate a lot before making any statement in front of people and this is probably why I found it amazing every time I saw you initiating and leading discussion with confidence and big smiles. I would not have known this if you were not here with us in Korea. You showed wonderful performance last year in your online courses which tells us that you certainly deserved an invitation letter to this year’s in-person programme. I am sure I can never forget our beautiful summer of the year 2022 spent with you and everyone none other than here.