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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Vincent Woon Kok Sin - 12 August, 2022
Name Vincent Woon Kok Sin
Date 2022.12.27
Views 996
Last day of training and closing ceremony
Written by: Vincent Woon Kok Sin (Malaysia)
Date: 12 Aug 2022

Today marks the last day of our training for UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT. The training started with country presentations from the other trainees. It began with Juliet’s presentation from Nigeria, followed by Nguyen from Vietnam, Nani from Bangladesh, Alisher from Kazakhstan, Aldo from Paraguay, Jermaine from St. Lucia, Canet from Turkey, Gurveen from India, Reza from Iran, and Missi from Cameroon. The trainees provided detailed de ions of their national circumstances and the current progress for NC/BUR preparation. They also presented the challenges faced when preparing the NC/BUR reports and plans after the training. One thing that fascinated me is that Kazakhstan and Turkey are under the Annex 1 countries, and hence they are following the format of Annex 1 countries when preparing the report. They also mentioned that transparency and consistency are the keys when preparing the report. The inclusion of sensitivity analysis for the projections is always recommended.



The second part of the training provided an overview of measurement, reporting and verification and enhanced transparency framework. The training was presented by Mr Jigme from the UNFCCC. Mr Jigme started the presentation by emphasizing the “common but differentiated responsibility” definition. This could be evidenced based on the Annex 1 and non-Annex countries between developed and developing countries. He then to highlight the differences between the enhanced for action and enhanced for support. When biennial transparency report is submitted, there is no need to submit BR/BUR reports. Flexibility is also given to developing countries when there is a lack of capacity in making a comprehensive report. All necessary operational details are in place now for implementation of the ETF.


The training ended with a warm closing ceremony. Throughout the three weeks of training, we developed a close bond, but we need to say farewell to each other soon. This is a memorable training to all of us, with all the knowledge and skills gained, as well as the new friendship we form with trainees from different countries and regions. Upon returning to my country, I will continue capacity-building development with my students by sharing the knowledge and skills I have learned in this training. This could be done by revamping my teaching syllabus, and I will teach more about carbon assessment from a national level. I will also share most of the real practices about the mitigation plans I obtained from the trainee’s country presentations and make it a case study discussion with my students. Lastly, I will develop new research topics related to the current challenges we face when assessing a sector's carbon footprint. This includes emission projection modeling development and the waste separation and collection issues faced by most of the Global South countries. I look forward to keeping in touch with the climate experts and hope we can meet each other again soon.

Coordinator’s comments:
I still find it amazing that we could have you back on the very last day of the programme. The whole class was waiting for your return and we were all so much glad to be with you and celebrate graduation of everyone.
Just like you said, you and fellow trainees made a close bond which was possible because, I believe, each and every one of you have kind hearts. Such friendship which is made up of helping hands and caring words is a tremendous value that can exist only when everybody does not hesitate to support each other. In this regard, I as a coordinator had this very warm feeling whenever I learned that a group of trainees had dinner together or toured around the Seoul city after lectures or on the weekends. I have no doubt that such friendly cooperation led to the successful programme at the end.
Thank you Vincent for being part of us in 2022 and for making us wonderful memories with you. Your future plans after the training always motivated me to ponder the next step like what more we can do to better support our trainees and partner countries.
I hope one day we could have the 2022 alumni to join the programme and share their inspirational insights with the trainees of that year (which also means we could meet again!)