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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title South-South Initiatives to Support Measurement, Reporting and Verification, and Transparency of Action and Support
Name GIR
Date 2018.03.02
Views 2,686

May 25, 2017

An event showcasing South-South initiatives to support measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and transparency of action and support was held on 17, May 2017, during the forty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Bodies.
The expert panel - consisting of representatives from UNFCCC secretariat; the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR); UNDP Global Support Programme (GSP); the West African South-South Network on MRV; the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories; and the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) - presented initiatives focused on providing support and catalyzing initiatives between developing countries to further promote South-South cooperation. These initiatives help facilitate developing countries to participate effectively in the existing MRV arrangements under the Convention, as well as prepare to implement the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.

Photo: L-R: Diana Camila Rodriguez Vargas, Colombia; Jae Jung, GIR; William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat; Kirsten Orschulok, BMUB, Germany; Agre Mathieu Richemond Assie, Cote d’Ivoire; and Damiano Borgogno, UNDP GSP

Overall panel discussion reinforced the idea that South-South initiatives offer an opportunity to build trust, increase the sharing of experiences and good practices, and facilitate the pooling of resources among countries with similar national circumstances. The degree to which this opportunity is effectively utilized can be enhanced by a high degree of political commitment from policy-makers and government officials.

As such, the UNFCCC secretariat specifically highlighted a new professional training programme on the transparency of climate action and support, or
UNFCCC-CASTT. The comprehensive programme looks to facilitate effective and universal participation of countries in the MRV arrangements under the Paris Agreement through targeted capacity building. The training programme is expected to contribute towards realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 by enhancing the technical capacity of relevant individuals, resulting in improvements in competencies needed to contribute to efficient reporting and implementation of climate action.

Building on this, the GIR highlighted details of the
UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT programme, which is a 4-week training course on GHG inventories, and offered in collaboration with the UNFCCC. The programme seeks to provide professional training on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories to national experts from developing countries.

Additional presentations from the West African South-South Network on MRV and the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories described the establishment and organization of regional MRV networks, including how cooperation agreements were formed. PATPA contributed further by introducing and discussing a wide range of capacity-building initiatives the organization is involved in. Both the West African South-South Network on MRV and the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories indicated that once these initiatives were off-the ground, motivation among the countries involved increased.

Emerging efforts such as these provide a sound platform on which to scale up and diversify the type and level of support that could be offered under South-South cooperation initiatives in the future.

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