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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Nani Gopal Das - 12 August, 2022
Name Nani Gopal Das
Date 2022.12.27
Views 1,013
Name: Nani Gopal Das
Affiliation: Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Journal Title: We learned about national GHG inventory preparation by doing exercise, giving presentation, and attending conference under UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT programme
Date: 12 August 2022

We learned that the emission of methane and nitrous oxide from waste seater is determined by its biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOC and COD) properties. Professor Seungdo KIM, Hallym University, explained that BOD is the amount of oxygen required to decompose biodegradable wastes in wastewater whereas COD is the amount of oxygen required to do the same work using chemicals (K2Cr2O7, KMnO4). The professor also added that the rate of CH4 emission is about 0.6-2.4 kg/kg BOD of wastewater. 

Professor Alistair Ritchie, Asia Society, explained to us about the carbon trading system and how it works for carbon neutrality. By attending the International Greenhouse Gas conference (IGC), in Korea, we learned about the GHG inventory status of six different countries from different countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Panama, SKN, and Vietnam) presented by fellow trainees. Also, we learned about, different aspects of EU emission trading systems (ETS) contributing to carbon neutrality. From the discussion among experts, we learned that bilateral collaboration of industries (e.g., steel manufacturing) may be helpful between Korea and UK in achieving carbon neutrality. Jonathan Woodland (Head of Climate Diplomacy) and Mark Watson (Country Managing Partner, ERM Korea) presented how to mitigate carbon leakage risks and the evolution of sustainability disclosure.

The last lecture of the training programme was about land use change and forestry. Professor Sngarize described the definition of different land use change categories, the methods of such activity data collection, and how to adapt national land category into IPCC subcategories to estimate GHG emissions from this sector.

Overall, the training program makes us understand different aspects of GHG inventory preparation by doing exercises and presenting our knowledge and gaps among all participants. This training programme also helps to build collaboration among international GHG inventory experts that may help us in future professional works. I would like to express my due gratitude to the organizing authority: UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Secretariat.

Coordinator’s comments:
Your last journal is an abstract of the very last week of the programme from which I can clearly recall lectures and lecturers we met either in person or virtually. I hope IGC gave you a little refreshing moment after days of continued classes. 
I was only able to communicate with you for very few times virtually last year which is the reason I was thrilled to finally meet with trainees of the 2021 cohort in Korea after a year they participated in online courses. There must have been challenges and difficulties in learning online with no real-time exchange of views or discussion. Yet you wonderfully completed the courses and also actively participated in this year’s programme in Korea.
I would like to thank you for your enormous effort and supports for the last two years that made the training completed with a happily-ever-after ending.
Wish for a reunion where I hope to hear your post-training achievements in Bangladesh.