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Title [Daily Journal] Sailauova Nazym - 12 August, 2022
Name Sailauova Nazym
Date 2022.12.27
Views 1,015
Name: Sailauova Nazym
Affiliation: Zhasyl Damu JSC
Journal Title: Last Day of the Programme
Date: 12 August 2022


Today marked as the last day of our training programme. We were able to attend only morning session, due to the flight in the evening, feeling little bit sad for not participating in the Graduation ceremony. But we tried to make our last day here as full and enjoyable as we can. Country presentations in NC/BUR were presented by 2nd year trainees, then session continued with a brief presentation about MRV and ETF by Mister Jigme.


I was so proud and happy after receiving official invitation letter from the Secretariat. This programme is a highlight of this year. I want to thank Secretariat and the whole team of the GIR and UNFCCC – Travis for the organization and continuous support through the all 3-weeks. And of course, many thanks to all of our trainees – hope to stay in touch and co-operate in the future. Love and already miss you all!!!


Coordinator's comments:
I am so impressed that you did not miss the last journal, sharing with us a heartwarming message to all of us. Knowing that this journal you were asked to submit was due the day after you already returned to Kazakhstan, I would like to thank you for your great effort and continued supports even after the programme ended. 
The graduation ceremony would have been more joyful with everyone being happier if you and Alisher were with us. This is what I have been thinking until now which makes me feel sad to say farewell to our Kazakhstani colleagues earlier than most of the trainees. I wish for a day in the near future to meet again, talk and celebrate our reunion all together without any restriction of time - until someone says he/she wants to go home :) 
It was our great pleasure to invite you to the programme as a representative of Kazakhstan, and we are proud to have you as our valuable trainee of the 2022 cohort.