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Title [Announcement] 2021 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs : Applications Open (~30 June, KST 23:59)
Name GIR
Date 2021.06.09
Views 4,988
2021 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT(Climate Action and Support Transparency Training) Programme on GHGs : Applications Open

Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center (GIR) is delighted to announce that applications are open for 2021 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on GHGs.
Submission deadline is 30 June, 2021 (KST 23:59).

The 4-week intensive training programme that covers from basics for inventory to sectoral inventory preparation and hands-on exercises, has been known for many of the developing country parties for enhancing their capabilities in responding to climate change.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme will offer courses via GHGMI* online learning platform.
(*GHGMI: Greenhouse Gas Management Institute)

This year, GIR and UNFCCC are looking for 36 trainees who are current government officials, researchers, and/or consultants who have relevant experiences in GHGs or climate change response-related fields.
Entry-mid level professionals who has a bachelor's degree or higher are preferred. The whole course will be delivered in English, so candidates must have English proficiency of a certain level. 

Please visit the website for further details.
(Link →

If you have any queries, please contact the Secretariat of the Programme at or +82-(0)2-6931-0090.

Thank you.