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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Maria Teresa Jeffrey - 22 July, 2023
Name Maria Teresa Jeffrey
Date 2024.01.05
Views 175

Coordinator’s comments:
As we never know when there would be another chance to listen to and learn national experiences of so many countries, I as a member of organizers did not want anyone to be left behind and keep their stories only to themselves because, regardless of the size of the economy or progress in climate action, every experience in different parts of the world varies and thus is much valued. I found your presentation very much informative and helped me a lot with my understanding about Argentina’s climate commitment, and I’m sure all our fellow trainees felt the same. By the way, it is was a big surprise for me that you enjoyed and even titled Korean ramen your favorite dish in Korea. I know there are some ramen that have a very mild taste or not spicy at all, but what you had on this day is very red and seems super spicy. I never noticed you are good with such taste, Teresa.