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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Noura Mohamed Lotfy - 11 August, 2022
Name Noura Mohamed Lotfy
Date 2022.12.26
Views 228
Name: Noura Mohamed Lotfy
Journal Date: 11 August 2022

Today’s is a special day as it marked the 13th International Greenhouse Gas Conference. In fact, we are very enthusiastic and waiting for this important event even before we came to Korea. In my opinion, everything is well organized.

We met at the COOP Residence hotel at early morning, each one of my colleague was dressed formal clothes, and then we headed to the conference venue at JW Marriot. The conference begins with an important session on the challenges and opportunities with a focus on national GHG Inventories.

Mr. Jigme (the moderator) Transparency Manger, UNFCCC asked the panel to introduce themselves and responsibilities. My colleagues from Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Vietnam provide six country presentations. It were very insightful and informative presentations clarifying common important topics such as the national circumstances, GHG reporting status, institutional arrangements, mitigation targets including policies and actions, GHG compilation procedures and methodology and the challenges and barriers for national GHG inventory. My colleagues are well prepared and open to any discussion or questions. After the end of the session, we took a group photo with our colleagues and we were glad and so proud of them. 

After that, the second session started with insightful opening remark made by Mr. Heung-Won Seo, the president of the GIR. Mr. Heung-Won Seo thanked the presenters for their presentations and he explained how this event is important to share expertise, knowledge and science. The welcoming remarks made by the Minister of Environment of Korea was also very significant as she explained that climate change represents actual threat for all of us.  The Minister of Environment of Korea also talked about the importance of actual implementation for reducing GHGs and cooperating with financing sector for eco-friendly economic activities.

Many interesting presentations are delivered by Mr. Alistair Ritchie (Director of Asia – Pacific Sustainability), Mr. Jonathan Woodland (Head of Climate Diplomacy, British Embassy in Seoul) and Mr. Mark Watson (Country Managing Partner, ERM Korea). Mr.  Jonathan Woodland made a very significant presentation on Carbon leakage, UK progress on mitigation actions, UK outlook, the international response to carbon leakage and UK net zero strategy.  Then, representatives made a very useful discussion from Seoul National University, Ministry of Environment of Korea, Country coordinator of Korea UNEP and researcher from the center for International Industry and Trade of Korea.  The conference was closed and beautiful gifts were distributed on the participants.
I think, I will never forget such important event and I will always be proud of my participation in this conference and how the UNFCCC GIR CASTT Training program gave me the opportunity to be a participant and a trainee representing my country (Egypt). 

After the conference, we returned to our classroom and Ms. Sekai Ngarize give us a session on LULUCF. Ms. Sekai was my lead reviewers during the technical review analysis for the BURs of South Korea and Uganda and she offered me useful advices during the review. I am very glad to meet her again virtually. She delivered a very insightful and informative presentation on the LULUCF sector starting with the evolution of the IPCC Guidance, the LULUCF categories, the methodological Tiers, and calculation. 

At the end of the day, the UNFCCC GIR CASTT Secretariat as usual celebrated the birthday of my colleague from Panama.
I really want to thank the UNFCCC GIR CASTT Secretariat and the staff for their hospitality, generosity and professionalism and I wish them fruitful and permanent success in all future events. I also hope to return back again to Korea and meet them in future events and activities.  

감사합니다 “Thank you”

Coordinator's comments:
I remember that every one of you were dressed fabulously this day and I was excited to see you and everyone look stunning. As you noted in your journal, all presenters from our cohort were ready to give great presentations, and indeed it was magnificent that they successfully made it and did not hesitate to join open discussion.
It was my pleasure to invite you as a representative of Egypt to this year's programme, and I am more than happy that our time together on this day with fellow trainees in wonderful outfits gave you a long-lasting memory to you as it did to me, Noura.
It's a surprising news that you knew Ms. Sekai beforehand and worked together as a reviewer for none other than Korea's BUR! We, Korea, have been connected to you, gladly :) I'm sure we will have another chance to meet again in the not too distant future.

شكراً Thank you Noura!