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UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT" /> 게시물 상세조회
Title [Daily Journal] Maria Teresa Jeffrey - 25 July, 2023
Name Maria Teresa Jeffrey
Date 2024.01.23
Views 458

Coordinator’s comments:
That software Prof. Yoo introduced during his lecture was not an easy one, wasn’t it. I suppose projection was one of the most challenging topics covered in the training programme to most trainees who were not familiar with working on statistics or economics. But since this programme is not for those who have been in this field for decades but for experts who wish to further enhance their capacity and have a better understanding of every aspect of the GHG inventory, I believe it was a great start to get to know how emission trends are predicted. Nice to see a photo of a group with happy faces of fellow trainees. Hopefully the train did not get in your way to adventures in the following days.