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Title [Daily Journal] Jacinth Paul Apostol - 21 July, 2023
Name Jacinth Paul Apostol
Date 2024.01.04
Views 495

Coordinator’s comments:
I suppose you have many more nice photos of the day than I do. Those taken at the Dopiansa Temple and the lunch place are exceptionally good as if they are taken by a professional for an official use of the advertisement purpose. When I first saw the title of your journal, I wondered what that would mean. But then I realized after reading it all the way through that it was just the right abstract of your thought at the DMZ. As you mentioned, every country has its tragic stories that accompany so many sacrifices of innocent people. No one can dare to say that they can imagine or understand how people who were forced to go through heart-breaking experiences for which they should not be responsible felt during and after devastating historical incidents. I wish one day that I am given the opportunity to see and learn the sad side of the history of the Philippines.